Kami no Ko
Военные звания флота Великобритании Флот Великобритании
Seaman — матрос
Petty Officer — пти-офицер, пти-о, нонком
Senior Chief Petty Officer — старший пти-о
Master Chief Petty Officer — главный пти-о
Ensign — мичман
Lieutenant Junior Grade — младший лейтенант
Lieutenant — лейтенант
Lieutenant Commander — лейтенант-коммандер
Commander — коммандер
Captain (Junior Grade) —капитан второго ранга
Captain (Senior Grade) —капитан первого ранга
Commodore — коммодор, капитан-коммандер
Rear Admiral — контр-адмирал
Vice Admiral — вице-адмирал
Admiral — адмирал
Admiral of the Red (Junior Grade) — Красный адмирал, адмирал второго ранга
Admiral of the Green (Senior Grade) — Зеленый адмирал, адмирал первого ранга
Флотские звания соотносятся с общевойсковыми примерно так: мичман соответствует пехотному лейтенанту, флотский лейтенант — капитану, коммандер — майору, а капитан — полковнику. Кроме того, капитанами называют командира и старпома военного корабля вне зависимости от их звания.
Это я к чему. Мы с Feba-chan разобрали в подробностях должность Абеля и наконец-то нашли ответ на мучавший меня вопрос.
UN aerospace force(s) commander с вариантом UN aerospace Force commander, хотя первое логичнее.
По таблице званий Великобритании их коммандер - наш майор. А вот с учетом этой таблички перевод, который как-то доводилось слышать "лейтенант-колонель" верная параллель, соответственно по-русски подполковник. Но - напоминаю! - Абель состоит в силах ООН, которые соотносятся совсем иначе по званиям.
Смотреть надо таблицу званий ООН.
Вариант того, что может иметься в видуStructure
A United Nations peacekeeping mission has three power centers. The first is the Special Representative of the Secretary-General, the official leader of the mission. This person is responsible for all political and diplomatic activity, overseeing relations with both the parties to the peace treaty and the UN member-states in general. They are often a senior member of the Secretariat. The second is the Force Commander, who is responsible for the military forces deployed. They are a senior officer of their nation's armed services, and are often from the nation committing the highest number of troops to the project. Finally, the Chief Administrative Officer oversees supplies and logistics, and coordinates the procurement of any supplies needed.
ООН использует систему званий морской пехоты СШАTo get a sense of the practical meaning of these ranks—and thus to be able to compare them across the different armed services, different nations, and the variations of titles and insignia—an understanding of the relative levels and sizes of each command will be helpful. The ranking and command system used by U.S. Marine ground forces can serve as a template for this purpose. It should be remembered that different countries will often use their own systems which won't match that of the U.S. Marines. In fact, the U.S. Army assigns a different rank to command the same type of unit as the Marines!
Under this system, starting from the bottom and working up, a Corporal leads a Fireteam consisting of three other marines. A Sergeant leads a Squad consisting of three Fireteams. As a result, a full squad numbers 13 individuals.
A Lieutenant commands a Platoon, which can consist of three or four Squads. In Marine infantry units, Rifle Platoons usually consist of three Rifle Squads of 13 men each, with a Navy corpsman, the Platoon Commander, and a Platoon Sergeant (a Staff Sergeant who serves as Executive Officer). A Weapons Platoon replaces the three squads with a 60 mm mortar section, an assault section, and a medium machine gun section. An infantry Platoon can number from 42 to 55 individuals, depending on the service.
A Captain commands a Company, usually consisting of four Platoons (three Rifle Platoons and one Weapons Platoon). His command post can include a Gunnery Sergeant and as many as seven others. So a Company can comprise from roughly 175 to 225 individuals. Equivalent units also commanded by Captains are Batteries and Detachments.
A Lieutenant Colonel commands a Battalion or a Squadron , often consisting of four Companies or Sections plus the various members of his command post. A Colonel commands a Regiment or Group, often consisting of four Battalions (for an Infantry unit) or five to six Air Groups (for a Wing).
In these latter, abstractions cease to be helpful and it becomes necessary to turn to an actual unit. The 1st Battalion of the 1st Marine Regiment of the 1st Marine Division of the I Marine Expeditionary Force consists of three infantry companies, one weapons company, and one headquarters and service company. Above that, the 1st Marine Regiment (First Marines) consists of four such Battalions and one headquarters company. Marine Air Control Group 18 of 1st Marine Air Wing of the III Marine Expeditionary Force consists of four squadrons, one battery, and one detachment - a mix of differently sized units under a regimental equivelent-sized unit.
The next level has traditionally been a Brigade, commanded by a Brigadier General, and containing two or more Regiments. But this structure is considered obsolete today. At the present time, in the U.S. Army, a Brigade is roughly equal to or a little larger than a Regiment. Strength typically ranges from 1,500 to 3,500 personnel. In the U.S. Marines, Brigades are only formed for certain missions. In size and nature they are larger and more varied collections of Battalions than is common for a Regiment, fitting them for their traditional role as the smallest formation able to operate independently on a battlefield without external logistical tactical support.
The level above Regiment and Brigade is the Division, commanded by a Major General and consisting of from 10,000 to 20,000 persons. The 1st Marine Division, for example, is made up of four Marine Regiments (of the type described above), one Assault Amphibian Battalion, one Reconnaissance Battalion, two Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalions, one Combat Engineer Battalion, one Tank Battalion, and one Headquarters Battalion—totalling more than 19,000 Marines. (Within the Headquarters Battalion are one Headquarters Company, one Service Company, one Military Police Company, one Communications Company, and one Truck Company.) An equivelent elsewhere within the same Marine Expeditionary Force (MEF) might be a MEF Logistics Group (MLG) - which is not a regimental-sized unit (as the word "group" implies), but rather a large support unit consisting of several battalions of support personnel.
Considering such a variety of units, the command sizes for any given rank will vary widely. Not all units are as troop intensive as infantry forces need to be. Tank and artillery crews, for example, involve far less personnel. Numbers also differ for non-combat units such as quartermasters, cooks, and hospital staff. Beyond this, in any real situation, not all units will be full strength and there will be various attachments and detachments of assorted specialists woven throughout the system.
The 1st Marine Division is part of the I Marine Expeditionary Force, which also includes the 3rd Marine Air Wing, 1st Service Support Group, 1st Marine Expeditionary Brigade, three Marine Expeditionary Units (featuring helicopter groups), and a Battalion-sized Marine Air Ground Task Force. In the U.S. Marine Corps there are three Marine Expeditionary Forces.
In the U.S. Army, the level above Division is called a Corps instead of an Expeditionary Force. It is commanded by a Lieutenant General. In many armies, a Corps numbers around 60,000, usually divided into three divisions.
During World War II, due to the large scale of combat, multiple Corps were combined into Armies commanded by a General (four stars) and comprising as many as 240,000 troops. These were in their turn formed into Army Groups, these being the largest field organization handled by a single commander in modern warfare. Army Groups included between 400,000 and 1,500,000 troops.
These examples illustrate a standard that holds true all over the world and throughout history: rank generally implies size of command in a nested system of ranks and commands. But the specific size of a command for any given rank will depend on the task the unit performs, the nature of weapons used, and the strategies of warfare.
Таким образом по таблице рангов военных сил США, commander - старшее офицерское звание, равное Lieutenant Colonel в морпехе и Wing Commander в воздушных силах. В соотношении с русской таблицей рангов это подполковник.
Common Military Ranks Common Military Ranks
Naval Forces ..................Land/Air Forces............ Commonwealth Air Forces
Admiral................................... General ...................................Air Marshal
Commodore ............................ Brigadier ................................. Air Commodore
Captain ................................. Colonel ................................... Group Captain
Commander ........................ Lieutenant Colonel ........................ Wing Commander
Lieutenant Commander ............... Major .................................... Squadron Leader
Lieutenant .............................. Captain ................................... Flight Lieutenant
Sub-Lieutenant ..................... Lieutenant ................................... Flying Officer
Warrant Officer .................... Warrant Officer ............................. Warrant Officer
Petty Officer ............................ Sergeant ................................. Sergeant
Leading Rate ............................. Corporal .................................. Corporal
Seaman .................................... Private .................................. Aircraftman
Seaman — матрос
Petty Officer — пти-офицер, пти-о, нонком
Senior Chief Petty Officer — старший пти-о
Master Chief Petty Officer — главный пти-о
Ensign — мичман
Lieutenant Junior Grade — младший лейтенант
Lieutenant — лейтенант
Lieutenant Commander — лейтенант-коммандер
Commander — коммандер
Captain (Junior Grade) —капитан второго ранга
Captain (Senior Grade) —капитан первого ранга
Commodore — коммодор, капитан-коммандер
Rear Admiral — контр-адмирал
Vice Admiral — вице-адмирал
Admiral — адмирал
Admiral of the Red (Junior Grade) — Красный адмирал, адмирал второго ранга
Admiral of the Green (Senior Grade) — Зеленый адмирал, адмирал первого ранга
Флотские звания соотносятся с общевойсковыми примерно так: мичман соответствует пехотному лейтенанту, флотский лейтенант — капитану, коммандер — майору, а капитан — полковнику. Кроме того, капитанами называют командира и старпома военного корабля вне зависимости от их звания.
Это я к чему. Мы с Feba-chan разобрали в подробностях должность Абеля и наконец-то нашли ответ на мучавший меня вопрос.
UN aerospace force(s) commander с вариантом UN aerospace Force commander, хотя первое логичнее.
По таблице званий Великобритании их коммандер - наш майор. А вот с учетом этой таблички перевод, который как-то доводилось слышать "лейтенант-колонель" верная параллель, соответственно по-русски подполковник. Но - напоминаю! - Абель состоит в силах ООН, которые соотносятся совсем иначе по званиям.
Смотреть надо таблицу званий ООН.
Вариант того, что может иметься в видуStructure
A United Nations peacekeeping mission has three power centers. The first is the Special Representative of the Secretary-General, the official leader of the mission. This person is responsible for all political and diplomatic activity, overseeing relations with both the parties to the peace treaty and the UN member-states in general. They are often a senior member of the Secretariat. The second is the Force Commander, who is responsible for the military forces deployed. They are a senior officer of their nation's armed services, and are often from the nation committing the highest number of troops to the project. Finally, the Chief Administrative Officer oversees supplies and logistics, and coordinates the procurement of any supplies needed.
ООН использует систему званий морской пехоты СШАTo get a sense of the practical meaning of these ranks—and thus to be able to compare them across the different armed services, different nations, and the variations of titles and insignia—an understanding of the relative levels and sizes of each command will be helpful. The ranking and command system used by U.S. Marine ground forces can serve as a template for this purpose. It should be remembered that different countries will often use their own systems which won't match that of the U.S. Marines. In fact, the U.S. Army assigns a different rank to command the same type of unit as the Marines!
Under this system, starting from the bottom and working up, a Corporal leads a Fireteam consisting of three other marines. A Sergeant leads a Squad consisting of three Fireteams. As a result, a full squad numbers 13 individuals.
A Lieutenant commands a Platoon, which can consist of three or four Squads. In Marine infantry units, Rifle Platoons usually consist of three Rifle Squads of 13 men each, with a Navy corpsman, the Platoon Commander, and a Platoon Sergeant (a Staff Sergeant who serves as Executive Officer). A Weapons Platoon replaces the three squads with a 60 mm mortar section, an assault section, and a medium machine gun section. An infantry Platoon can number from 42 to 55 individuals, depending on the service.
A Captain commands a Company, usually consisting of four Platoons (three Rifle Platoons and one Weapons Platoon). His command post can include a Gunnery Sergeant and as many as seven others. So a Company can comprise from roughly 175 to 225 individuals. Equivalent units also commanded by Captains are Batteries and Detachments.
A Lieutenant Colonel commands a Battalion or a Squadron , often consisting of four Companies or Sections plus the various members of his command post. A Colonel commands a Regiment or Group, often consisting of four Battalions (for an Infantry unit) or five to six Air Groups (for a Wing).
In these latter, abstractions cease to be helpful and it becomes necessary to turn to an actual unit. The 1st Battalion of the 1st Marine Regiment of the 1st Marine Division of the I Marine Expeditionary Force consists of three infantry companies, one weapons company, and one headquarters and service company. Above that, the 1st Marine Regiment (First Marines) consists of four such Battalions and one headquarters company. Marine Air Control Group 18 of 1st Marine Air Wing of the III Marine Expeditionary Force consists of four squadrons, one battery, and one detachment - a mix of differently sized units under a regimental equivelent-sized unit.
The next level has traditionally been a Brigade, commanded by a Brigadier General, and containing two or more Regiments. But this structure is considered obsolete today. At the present time, in the U.S. Army, a Brigade is roughly equal to or a little larger than a Regiment. Strength typically ranges from 1,500 to 3,500 personnel. In the U.S. Marines, Brigades are only formed for certain missions. In size and nature they are larger and more varied collections of Battalions than is common for a Regiment, fitting them for their traditional role as the smallest formation able to operate independently on a battlefield without external logistical tactical support.
The level above Regiment and Brigade is the Division, commanded by a Major General and consisting of from 10,000 to 20,000 persons. The 1st Marine Division, for example, is made up of four Marine Regiments (of the type described above), one Assault Amphibian Battalion, one Reconnaissance Battalion, two Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalions, one Combat Engineer Battalion, one Tank Battalion, and one Headquarters Battalion—totalling more than 19,000 Marines. (Within the Headquarters Battalion are one Headquarters Company, one Service Company, one Military Police Company, one Communications Company, and one Truck Company.) An equivelent elsewhere within the same Marine Expeditionary Force (MEF) might be a MEF Logistics Group (MLG) - which is not a regimental-sized unit (as the word "group" implies), but rather a large support unit consisting of several battalions of support personnel.
Considering such a variety of units, the command sizes for any given rank will vary widely. Not all units are as troop intensive as infantry forces need to be. Tank and artillery crews, for example, involve far less personnel. Numbers also differ for non-combat units such as quartermasters, cooks, and hospital staff. Beyond this, in any real situation, not all units will be full strength and there will be various attachments and detachments of assorted specialists woven throughout the system.
The 1st Marine Division is part of the I Marine Expeditionary Force, which also includes the 3rd Marine Air Wing, 1st Service Support Group, 1st Marine Expeditionary Brigade, three Marine Expeditionary Units (featuring helicopter groups), and a Battalion-sized Marine Air Ground Task Force. In the U.S. Marine Corps there are three Marine Expeditionary Forces.
In the U.S. Army, the level above Division is called a Corps instead of an Expeditionary Force. It is commanded by a Lieutenant General. In many armies, a Corps numbers around 60,000, usually divided into three divisions.
During World War II, due to the large scale of combat, multiple Corps were combined into Armies commanded by a General (four stars) and comprising as many as 240,000 troops. These were in their turn formed into Army Groups, these being the largest field organization handled by a single commander in modern warfare. Army Groups included between 400,000 and 1,500,000 troops.
These examples illustrate a standard that holds true all over the world and throughout history: rank generally implies size of command in a nested system of ranks and commands. But the specific size of a command for any given rank will depend on the task the unit performs, the nature of weapons used, and the strategies of warfare.
Таким образом по таблице рангов военных сил США, commander - старшее офицерское звание, равное Lieutenant Colonel в морпехе и Wing Commander в воздушных силах. В соотношении с русской таблицей рангов это подполковник.
Common Military Ranks Common Military Ranks
Naval Forces ..................Land/Air Forces............ Commonwealth Air Forces
Admiral................................... General ...................................Air Marshal
Commodore ............................ Brigadier ................................. Air Commodore
Captain ................................. Colonel ................................... Group Captain
Commander ........................ Lieutenant Colonel ........................ Wing Commander
Lieutenant Commander ............... Major .................................... Squadron Leader
Lieutenant .............................. Captain ................................... Flight Lieutenant
Sub-Lieutenant ..................... Lieutenant ................................... Flying Officer
Warrant Officer .................... Warrant Officer ............................. Warrant Officer
Petty Officer ............................ Sergeant ................................. Sergeant
Leading Rate ............................. Corporal .................................. Corporal
Seaman .................................... Private .................................. Aircraftman
@темы: Канонное, Trinity Blood
Не факт, что Сунао заморачивался с таблицей ООН...
Меня всегда забавляло звание Rear Admiral, вернее, его буквальный перевод...